Meaning of lǎo:



prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity

Tāmen dōu jiào tā lǎo wáng, yīnwèi tā shì tāmen zhōng zuì niánzhǎng de.


They all call him Lao Wang, because he is the oldest among them.


old (of people); venerable (person); experienced; of long standing; of the past; outdated; (of meat etc) tough

Wǒ de yéye yǐjīng hěn lǎo le.


My grandfather is already very old.

Zhè wèi lǎo xiānshēng hěn yǒu zhìhuì.


This venerable gentleman is very wise.

Zhè wèi lǎoshī yǐjīng hěn yǒu lǎo de jīngyàn le.


This teacher already has a lot of experience.

Tā shì yīgè yǒumíng de lǎo yīshēng.


He is a famous senior doctor.

Tā shì wǒ de lǎo péngyǒu.


He is my old friend.

Wǒ jiā de diànshìjī hěn lǎo le, xūyào huàn yīgè xīn de.


The TV in my house is very outdated and needs to be replaced.

Zhè kuài niúròu tài lǎo le, wǒ yǎo bù dòng.


This piece of beef is too tough, I can't chew it.


always; all the time; very

Tā zǒng shì lǎo xiǎng jiā.


He always misses home.

Tā lǎo shí fàn tóngyàng de cuòwù.


He makes the same mistakes all the time.

Jīntiān de tiānqì lǎo hǎo le.


The weather today is very good.

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