Meaning of hé:
old variant of 和[he2]; (joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]); to chime in with others; Taiwan pr. [huo4]; old variant of 和[he2]
Zhè bù diànyǐng zhǎnshìle ài yǔ hépíng de zhǔtí.
The movie showcased the theme of love and peace.
Wǒ xǐhuān píngguǒ hé chéngzi.
I like apples and oranges.
Tā zǒng shì xǐhuān hé biérén de guāndiǎn.
He always likes to chime in with others' opinions.
Shíwù de yánsè hé wèidào dōu hěn zhòngyào.
The color and taste of food are both very important.
Wǒmen jīntiān zài gōngyuán lǐ wán de hěn héxié.
We had a harmonious time playing in the park today.
surname He; (math.) sum; (bound form) Japan; Japanese
Wáng xiānshēng Hé xiānshēng shì lǎo péngyǒu.
Mr. Wang and Mr. He are old friends.
Zǒng hé shì shí.
The sum is ten.
Wǒ xǐhuān chī hé shòusī.
I like to eat Japanese sushi.
to make peace; (sports) to draw; to tie; to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence; to join in the singing; to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards; to combine a powdery substance (flour, plaster etc) with water; to mix (ingredients) together; to blend
Xiōngdì liǎ zhōngyú dáchéngle héjiě.
The brothers finally made peace.
Zài zhè chǎng bǐsài zhōng, liǎng zhī qiú duì yǐ yī bǐ yī de bǐfēn hé.
In this match, the two teams drew with a score of 1 to 1.
Tā gēnjù péngyǒu de shī hè le yī shǒu xīn shī.
He composed a new poem in reply to his friend's poem.
Tā yāoqǐng wǒ yīqǐ chànggē, wǒ gāoxìng de dāyìng hé.
She invited me to join in the singing, and I happily agreed.
Zài zhè chǎng májiàng bǐsài zhōng, wǒ hěn xìngyùn de hú le yī cì.
In this mahjong game, I was lucky to complete a set once.
Tā zhèngzài chúfáng lǐ huó miàn.
He is kneading dough in the kitchen.
Zài zhìzuò dàngāo shí, nǐ xūyào bǎ suǒyǒu de cáiliào huò zài yīqǐ.
When making a cake, you need to mix all the ingredients together.
Tā xǐhuan bǎ zhèxiē yánsè huò zài yīqǐ.
She likes to blend these colors together.
(bound form) harmonious; harmonious
Wǒmen yīnggāi hémù xiāngchǔ.
We should live together harmoniously.
Tāmen de guānxì yīzhí fēicháng héxié.
Their relationship has always been very harmonious.
classifier for rinses of clothes; classifier for boilings of medicinal herbs
Zhè cì xǐyī chéngxù bāokuò liǎng cì qīngxǐ hé sān cì huò.
This laundry process includes two washes and three rinses.
Zhège yàofāng xūyào sān huò yàocái.
This prescription requires three boilings of medicinal herbs.